About The Harvest Souls Foundation

The Harvest Souls Foundation Ministry is dedicated to spreading the Gospel as Jesus Christ and His Apostles intended.
The Harvest Souls Foundation is a dynamic ministry dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 24:14. As the parent organization of TUGN (The Uttermost Gospel Network), we are committed to soul harvesting through innovative digital evangelism strategies and global outreach efforts. Our ministry foundation is rooted in the belief that every individual is precious in God’s eyes, and we strive to spread the Gospel message through online broadcasting, digital discipleship, and faith-based technology.
Our soul-winning strategies and gospel outreach programs aim to reach individuals from all walks of life, regardless of geographical barriers. As Christian missionaries, we are passionate about sharing the love of Christ with the world and equipping believers for effective ministry through online sermons, faith-based initiatives, and Christian broadcasting.
At The Harvest Souls Foundation, we believe in the power of digital evangelism to transform lives and build communities of faith. Join us in our mission to harvest souls for the Kingdom of God and make disciples of all nations through the transformative power of faith-based technology.
These fundamental biblical beliefs and doctrinal tenets are as follows:
- Preaching the Gospel-Implementing The Great commission-Matthew 28:18-20
- Water baptism—total immersion.
- Praying in the Spirit-Tongues-privately.
- Partaking in the Holy Communion every Sunday
- Witnessing or evangelism—telling others about Jesus in the localities
- Fellowship of the brethren who share a joint faith-Church attendance
- Women cannot teach or preach the Gospel but can share their faith with others
- Getting ready and waiting for Christ’s return to earth in the second coming
- Worshipping The Lord Jesus Christ daily
- Reading His Word
Why do we exist?
The Harvest Souls Foundation exists in response to Jesus’ command in Luke 10:2 regarding the harvest of souls.
Luke 10:2,
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
Jesus Christ was strategic and still is, even now, in glory. His task was to accomplish the mission of dying on the cross for the sins and salvation of humanity and to ensure that we reach the lost souls worldwide with the Gospel message.
The Gospel is about Jesus’ life, meaning His birth, life on earth, death, burial, resurrection, ascension back to Heaven, and soon-to-be return to earth. That is the heart of the Gospel message: Jesus is Lord and Christ and has already come.
The Harvest Souls Foundation Ministry was founded in answer to the command of Jesus Christ about the plentiful ripe harvest but very few laborers. The harvest is ready. Still, the laborers (preachers, ministers of the Gospel) are few compared to the harvest (the unsaved).
On the day of Pentecost, the Bible shows us how The Lord added souls to His Kingdom after the Apostle Peter preached the first gospel message ever at the inception of the Church on earth.
The Bible clearly states that over three thousand souls were added to their number that day. Acts 2:41.
About three thousand souls were added that day when those who received his word were baptized.
The Apostle Peter stood up Sunday morning and addressed the gathering congregation, realizing a large harvest of souls and baptizing about three thousand people.
Hence, Harvest Souls. This is where we come in as The Harvest Souls Foundation, in these last days, to emulate the Apostles and continue in their mission and message of proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of humanity to every living person on earth today, to the Glory of the Almighty God.
The Harvest Souls Foundation channels its resources through one vehicle or entity that the Lord has established through the Holy Spirit called The Uttermost Gospel Network (TUGN)
The Uttermost Gospel Network is the umbrella ministry that undertakes and manages several component ministries or subsidiaries on behalf of The Harvest Souls Foundation. It has direct control over administration, supervision, and operations.
The Harvest Souls Foundation is the parent ministry of The Uttermost Gospel Network.
Discover the component ministries under The Uttermost Gospel Network by clicking the link below. Click the link below.